More Beer Styles for Colder Weather
Posted by Barley Beaver on
Part 2 of Beer Styles for Colder Weather
This list may be lacking some of the beer types you’d prefer sipping in the cold, so we encourage you to share your suggestions in the comment section. Stay warm and drink great beer!
Smoked Beer
And speaking of fire, a little smoke can make a beer really interesting a fitting as a winter warmer. Smoked Beers can vary in colour and general flavour, some of them being Light Lagers or Hefeweizens, while others being dark Porters or even Imperial Stouts. Yet they all share the distinct smoky flavour with hints of burnt wood, which stems from the use of special smoked malt. Back in the day before the invention of kiln malting, most beers were smoked since the malt was being dried over burning or smoking wood, which imparted the distinct flavour. Nowadays, this is more of a curiosity rather than the mainstream, yet there are many Smoked Beers on the market to explore. Just imagine drinking one of these by a warm fireplace.Scotch Ale
No, this is not beer mixed with Scotch whiskey, although certain similarities may be observed. Scotch Ale is a historical beer style that is brewed to higher gravities and uses as little hops as possible, even with some substitutes, as hops were a luxury in Scotland back in the day when the style appeared. Think of a particularly sweet and somewhat boozy copper coloured ale with hints of caramel, smoke and herbs. Yes, like a Scotch whiskey, but lighter. Maybe these drinks are related after all.Double, Triple and Quadruple IPA
Yes, IPAs are mostly considered to be a summer beer style due to the refreshing hop character, although there are many people who would prefer a hop-bomb over anything else regardless of season and weather. However, there are many excellent examples of high ABV IPAs that wield both the body and the hop-forward flavour. These days it’s not strange to find IPAs clocking in up to 13% ABV and higher, and these beers will definitely serve as a nice warmer despite the refreshing hop explosion.Christmas and Holiday Beer
Now, this is the kind of beer that was designed to be a winter warmer just from the start. Christmas and other holiday beers tend to have higher ABV and employ a variety of spices just to lend warmth when it’s needed the most during the cold season. The most commonly used condiments include orange peel, cinnamon, coriander, and cardamom, though you will definitely find a much broader selection of spices used by various breweries.Belgian Strong Ale
A rather loose category that encompasses a variety of styles, most of which tend to boast a rather high ABV levels. Belgian Strong Ales were practically designed to be a perfect drink for a cold, wet Autumn night spent in a small house by the coast. Whether it’s a Dubbel, Tripel, Quadrupel or just Strong Ale, you will surely appreciate the complexity and the warming sensation of these sophisticated brewsThis list may be lacking some of the beer types you’d prefer sipping in the cold, so we encourage you to share your suggestions in the comment section. Stay warm and drink great beer!